May 21, 2012

Remote development tools #1

As a fully distributed team, we get a lot of questions about how it works, questions about efficiency and security, etc.

There are a lot of fantastic tools out there to enable painless remote development, and this is the first in a series of posts about our favorites, the ones that work, and the ones we tried that just weren't quite up to the task.

One of the tools we love is Filemail, and it's FREE. It's a super user friendly, fast, efficient way to send big files back and forth or to a group of people. It doesn't require user signups like other file transfer sites, and no complicated FTP issues, so it's great for the less technologically proficient users or clients you might need to deal with. It's got great tools for limiting the number of downloads, amount of time files are available, download password protection, and other useful features for security and ease of use.

Highly recommended!